About Me

I am currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer in the AI Speech team at Bloomberg LP (NYC). Previously, I was a Masters (Computer and Information Science) student at the University of Pennsylvania. I worked as a Machine Learning Engineer Intern at Quora, where I worked on banning users after detecting voter rings according to their upvote activities. I also worked as a Machine Learning Engineer in the Voice Team of Flipkart (acquired by Walmart). Working in the domain of Automatic Speech Recognition, my team was responsible for building the multilingual voice-based search system. Outside my regular working hours, I collaborated on various research projects with my co-workers and mentored students at IIIT Hyderabad. I graduated from the Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi in 2020 with a B.E. in Computer Engineering. During my undergraduate studies, I worked as a Data Science Intern at Flipkart, where I developed a CRF Model for the tasks of Entity and Intent Recognition in transliterated voice search queries and was also involved in AI research at my home institution. Under the supervision of Prof MPS Bhatia, I completed 2 of my Bachelor’s Projects, one on Alzheimer's disease detection and the other on emotion detection in code-mixed data. I participated in countless hackathons during my undergrad, some of which were national level hackathons like the Infineon Hackathon and Flipkart GRID Challenge where I secured national ranks 3 and 5 respectively.

I love to keep myself updated with anything new that comes along the way with a belief that there is no skill that cannot be learned and that falling short of some is an opportunity to learn.

Apart from tech, my hobbies include reading stoic philosophy, listening Indian rock music, and running tens of kilometers.


  1. Janvijay Singh, Anshul Wadhawan: “Entity Recognition in Wet Lab Protocols using Structured Learning Ensemble and Contextualised Embeddings”, WNUT, EMNLP, 2020.
  2. Anshul Wadhawan, Akshita Aggarwal: “Towards Emotion Recognition in Hindi-English Code-Mixed Data: A Transformer Based Approach”, WASSA, EACL, 2021.
  3. Anshul Wadhawan: “Sequence Classification Using COVID Twitter BERT and Bagging Ensemble Technique based on Plurality Voting”, WNUT, EMNLP, 2020.
  4. Anshul Wadhawan: “Dialect Identification in Nuanced Arabic Tweets Using Farasa Segmentation and AraBERT”, WANLP, EACL, 2021.
  5. Ishan Sanjeev Upadhyay, Nikhil E, Anshul Wadhawan, Radhika Mamidi: “Hope Speech Detection Using Indic Transliteration and Transformers”, LT-EDI, EACL, 2021.
  6. Anshul Wadhawan: “AraBERT and Farasa Segmentation Based Approach For Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection in Arabic Tweets”, WANLP, EACL, 2021.
  7. Akshita Aggarwal, Anshul Wadhawan, Anshima Chaudhary, Kavita Maurya: “Did you really mean what you said?” : Sarcasm Detection in Hindi-English Code-Mixed Data using Bilingual Word Embedding”, WNUT, EMNLP, 2020.
